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Mrs Howard
and Mrs Neems



During daily literacy lessons, we learn Jolly Phonic sounds and high-frequency words. We read every day with our teacher and work hard to blend and write words with Mrs Neems. We are writing about things we are learning in Science - both living and non-living things. Below are some photos of us with wattle and the descriptions we wrote.


We are learning about teen numbers and how every teen number has a group of ten and some ones. We love listening to number talks and mathematical stories at the start of our lessons. Every day we play a counting game called zap, which encourages us to count past 100.


We are beginning to learn about coding and robotoics during STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics). We must follow a series of instructions to create a robot then develop simple programs with sequences for it to follow. We all agree that this is one of the best parts of our week.

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