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Mrs Guess
and Mrs Dunford



English is always fun in our classroom. We start each day by listening to a Squiz Kids podcast and then picking one interesting story to explore further. This is a great opportunity to build our general knowledge and develop our communication skills. Students have continued to build on this by using independent learning time to access Kids News to read, summarise an article of interest and then report back to their peers about an article of interest. One of our favourite literacy tasks is Read To Self, students really enjoy the opportunity to settle down and get lost in a good book, while this is supposed to be a 15 minute activity, it is often really hard to get the students to willingly pop their books away. Last term we took our love of Podcasts and decided to write and record our own. Students researched and prepared a script for our 1st class podcast on an animal that could jump...linked into one of our Mathematics units. We then recorded these and have been listening to a few episodes each day. This term we are focusing on Poetry and have written our own colour poems while exploring the use of similes as a literary device.


In Mathematics we enjoy practical learning tasks and use these to explore mathematical concepts. Last term we looked at length while studying animals that can jump. We had a fantastic time trying to see if we could jump as far as a Kangaroo or leap as high as a flea. We looked at additive strategies and used dominoes to explore the properties of 10 and then transferred this knowledge to adding and subtracting larger numbers. We looked at the area of objects within our classroom and our playground and had lots of fun working out the area we would need to house different animals.

Other Key Learning Areas

We love our afternoon learning, especially on Fridays when we have a LEGO challenge to complete as a team. This has really challenged us to listen to each other and work cooperatively to ensure the task is complete and all requirements have been met. This term Stage 2 will be undertaking Creative art rotations where we are learning art, drama, dancing and Ukulele all with a Japanese theme. In Science we are learning about the changing state of objects from solids to liquids to gases, this involves some very exciting and messy experiments. In Geography with Ms Erb, we are going to learn about places in Australia and how we can look after our environment.

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