Mrs Lemon
Each morning, 1L participates in reading groups. Students work through a wide range of activities during this time, focusing on fine motor skills, high-frequency word recognition, independent writing, and reading. We learn to cooperate with others and enjoy learning with our peers.
Recently we read the book ‘Mad Magpie’ written by Gregg Dreise. We co-constructed an information report about magpies, and each drew, painted and labeled a magpie.
We love playing games to practise our number sequencing and combinations to 10. Our favourites include Number Line Race, Memory Match 10 and Go Fish for 10. Grab a deck of cards and have a game, watch out though, 1L are very competitive!
Creative and Performing Arts
This term, we will be practising our drama skills in the classroom. Last week we read Possum Magic and began our introduction to drama by learning about mime. Then, we acted out a birthday party where we played party games like ‘Pin the tail on the donkey’ and ‘Pass the parcel’, we had a pinata, and of course, there was cake! Drama has been the highlight of our week!