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Mrs Peters 
and Mrs Melhuish


3-6S is a Stage 2/3 class. Our daily routine begins with a Check-in, where we tell our news or other interesting stuff.  Literacy activities are next; Mathematics is after recess followed by handwriting and reading comprehension tasks. After lunch we do quiet reading followed by PDHP,  focusing on positive living skills.


In literacy, we do spelling lists and related activities such as look, cover, write, check. We find meanings for our words, work on letter combinations and learn sight words. We read daily with Mrs Peters and Mrs Melhuish as well as complete writing tasks.


Our topic for Mathematics this term is fractions. We practice counting daily. We use the Smartboard to learn about our topic and play maths games or use other materials to support our learning.

Other Key Learning Areas

Every week we do cooking, which helps us learn how to follow a procedure and use measurements, how to cooperate, clean up and eat together nicely. In Creative Arts, we studied Aboriginal musical instruments and played some instruments that made the same sounds.

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