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Miss Newbigging,
Miss McKenzie and Mrs Hunt



Students were practising their spelling by writing sentences, alphabetising words, discussing what they thought each word meant and giving examples, along with working out how many vowels were in each word. They also worked hard on their homework sheets.


The students were doing warm-up activities for mathematics. They would roll dice and multiply, add, subtract, or divide the numbers. They worked in pairs, checking each other’s answers. 

The mathematical topic for the week was length. Students explored different ways to measure things properly and the right equipment to use to gain the best results.

Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) and Problem Solving

The students like to play with the lego, which helps with their hand to eye co-ordination, fine motor skills, maths, communicating and socialisation skills.

They also like to work on their memory and group skills by playing games such as memory.

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