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Miss Patton



During our literacy rotations, we read with our teacher and participate in many different activities focusing on spelling, handwriting and comprehension. We also enjoy our daily read to self lessons. This term in writing, we are focusing on poetry and are looking forward to learning about and writing our own poems.


In Maths, we have been learning about multiplicative strategies. We love to begin our maths lessons with a number talk and have been focusing on arrays. We also enjoy hands-on activities and participate in whole class, small group and independent activities.


This semester in Geography, we are learning about Australia’s Neighbours. Therefore, this term, Stage 2 are doing rotations in Creative Arts where we are learning art, Japanese, drama and how to play the ukulele. Our first rotation is art and we are painting Japanese cherry blossoms. We really enjoyed painting the background and can’t wait to display our finished work.

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