Mrs Wright
and Mrs Littlewood
This year, K-6W have been learning about a new sound each week and completing both hands on and written tasks surrounding this. This term our theme is ‘at the farm’. We have been learning farm vocabulary and communicating to our peers when playing with the farm setup. We have also been reading LOTS of books this year and have created a display with some of the books we have read. Every day we do some writing and we are particularly proud of our name writing. We really enjoy reading and writing in K-6W.
During term 2 and 3, K-6W are recognising, representing and ordering numbers. We created some awesome posters of how we learnt to use groups of objects to represent the numbers 1 to 6.
Our theme this term is ‘at the farm’. We used pictures of animals and farm scenes to prompt discussions and develop our vocabulary. We started creating our own farm display using craft animals including cows, pigs, sheep and farmers. During structured play we have been enjoying our farm toys.